Tuesday, May 14, 2013

RR: Voter's Pocket-Guide to Benghazigate

RR: Voter's Pocket-Guide to Benghazigate
The walls are closing-in fast- and they know it: witness Jay 'Carney Barker' Carney's 'ashen appearance' at Friday's hostile presser... where all present witnessed the glorious miracle of the White House press corps arising from the grave in unison and actually starting to ask questions. Meanwhile other players are now starting to talk, i.e. David Patraeus' comment that he always considered the WH/State Dept Benghazi talking points to be 'useless'.

And there's no shortage of questions to ask, esp. considering how the MSM to this point hasn't really asked very many-
of course Carney answered even fewer, and when he did, with obfuscation, deflection, and baldfaced lies.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Barracuda Brigade: Flashback Video ~> Obama Reacts to Blogger on Beng...

Barracuda Brigade: Flashback Video ~> Obama Reacts to Blogger on Beng...: Kira Davis ~> "In February I interviewed President Obama and asked him a question about transparency. His response is even more interesting today.